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Bio-chemical Research Company


B-Organic is a bio-chemical research company that concentrates on the development of molecular structures that have scientific or commercial value for industry partners in the Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical and Agricultural sector

B-Organic Research 

B-Organic was founded in 2011 and has independently been developing different molecular structures and innovative process technologies. 


B-Organic and its laboratory are headquartered in Montreal, Canada.


The team is composed of several scientists with different expertises in pharmaceutical, agricultural and nutraceutical areas as well as experienced business executives. 


B-Organic's Research & Development efforts primarily focus on the solubilisation of Bio-active Lipid Agents (BLA) for  pharmaceutical and nutraceutical applications. Another area of focus concentrates on bacterial and antiviral agents based on natural mineral extract complexes. Used as feed additive for aquacultural and agricultural sectors, these complexes can control diseases in shellfish by strengthening nonspecific internal defense mechanisms (Immunostimulant Mineral Complex).
A broad global patent coverage for all parts of these technologies is secured until 2034.

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